Again! Will we Learn?
Here we go again with another tragedy! More lives lost because we cannot learn how to deal with these situations. How many times does it have to happen before someone grows up? Congress doesn't want to take drastic steps, even tho they are needed, because too many of them are sided with the NRA. I, personally, am not against the NRA, in general. But, what I am very much against, is the sale and misuse of semi-automatice weapons. They pretty much sell them to anyone, and this HAS to stop. How can you, in good conscience, keep selling semis to kids nad nuts? Maybe (God forbid1) if on e of the leaders of the NRA lst a child in this manner, it may be enought to get something to change. But I do not wish that on anyone. Why wait until it happens for real? Does your mone mean that much to you? If it means more than your childs life, then you, my friend, have some serious mental problems that you need to deal with! Many people are becoming aware of how to turn a semi-auto into a fully automatice weapon (bump stock). This bump stock crap has to be stopped cold. No one and I mean,, NO ONE! in the civilian community needs either a semi or an automatic rifle. For what? It damn sure isn't for hunting. What is it for then? Let's see. Some own them just because it's "cool" to own one. True. I can see that. Some do it because they collecct weapons. Also cool, to a point. But in reality, they may go an shoot them only a few times a year at the range.Ok. Let's get to it. What should really happen to stop this? My ideas only here.
1) They should make "collectors licenses", that would be issued only upon completion of a mandatory set of rules. Like training, proper use and control, proper storage (making the gun unable to shoot until it is actually used). These "collectors" will have a thorough background check, and will be checked yearly or periodically, as needed. And, yes, this would mean a whole new office, with investigators, officials, bookkeepers, dedicated solely to this project. Why not? It means more jobs, better training, and a hell of a lot better gun control.
2) Outlaw the sale of some or all semi-auto's to the general public. They are not needed. If you wish to protect your home, then get a shotgun. It's a much better deterrent. One blast from a shotgun, and people will run the other way very quickly, if they are able to. Or, at the least, require a specific license be obtained. One that would require offical training, and again, a background check.
3) Check all bags at the school entrances, especially oversized bags that could hold larger weapons. Issue hand-held metal scanners to scan carried items that could hold a handgun Will this stop everything? No. But it will damn sure cut it down to size. The kids and parents will hate this, but it's a lot safer than the consequences.
4) Teachers must receive added training that will help them notice things that are out of place, especially individuals acting differently than usual. You cannot always notice this, espcially in bigger schools, as you may not have the time to watch everyone. But there is specific training that could help teachers on this.
5) Enhance our police force! Give themthe tools and manpower they need to hunt down and stop black market sales and distribution. No easy task at all. But we are talking about protecting our children here, so no steps should be skipped. Never accept this as part of our new society. It is totally unacceptable.
6) The biggest one for last! Our Government HAS to step up and take action. The NRA must work with them to change/alter the rules on buying guns. Especially to younger people. Unfortunately, in most cases, younger also means immature. Their feelings and emotions are not so easily controlled, and many times they erupt in violence.
Very soon our Governement will be forced by the public to take action. The public will soon no longer accept idle talk and slight changes, having no real affect on things. Many officials will lose their positions almost solely based on their stance about gun control. People will soon not accept any excuses. It may come soon that if you are a supporter of the NRA, even that small thing could be enough reason for the public to mistrust you, and vote you out of office. Let's all try to do what is right for our kids. If it comes down to money, then that is a sad thing, as they seem to come up with a budget for just about everything else. It's way past time to re-prioritize.