Dedicated to the U.S. Air Force
Featuring: Life in the Philippines

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It's now a very big issue on whether the U.S. should perform a strike on North Korea, or just hope that diplomacy will perservere. While most sane people want diplomacy to work, and thereby avoid a war in which no one really wins, it's just plain not feasible on some occasions. There exist people in this world that do not give a whit about diplomacy, and know onl power or might. Dictators are at the top of that list. You can talk to some until you are blue in the face and get nowhere. But if you punch them in the mouth, get their real attention, they they start to listen. Is North Korea one of those? Let's hope not, but right now it sure looks like it. They keep saying that they want to possess nuclear weapons in order to hold off an attack by the U.S. A deterrent. If that were the case, we could have attacked them years ago! We could have taken over the country, and maybe should have. But we had no such idea in mind. It's called paranoia.
Don't be fooled by this little dictator talking about rejoining the two Koreas. He has no such goal in mind. He wants his foot in the door, so he can slowly and forcefully take over Sotuh Korea. South Korea says they are very much a democratic country. Do you wonder, tho, just how much they are willing to risk to keep their country democratic and free? North Korea is not about to turn democratic any time soon (unless, hopefully, the people join together to take control)(but that would most definitely cost many lives in doing so). So, if The South says they are committed to democracy, and the North is committed to communism, how in the world can they ever be truly reunited? Being that they are both Korean, obviously, they have many things in common. But there it stops. The South lives much differently than the North. I do not believe,and I hope I'm right on this, that the South, having gotten their freedom and all that goes with it, will likely give it up to live the life the North does again. Especially under a dictator telling them when to eat, when to drink, when to worship, who to worship, etc...
Stating the obvious, all countries have their problems. Many are dealing with the same issues that have plagued them for decades. Some have much more severe problems to deal with than others. But a problem you do not need in your life, is somebody telling you every single minute how to live, especially when you are barely able to live at all! While his countrymen and women starve all around him, he, personally, is worth billions! Tons of children there go hungry. That alone tells you how much he cares for "his country". If I had to give up my personal yacht, and two or three of my six estates, and maybe my hundreds of race horses, to buy food for the children, then that is what a leader should do! Did you know that a full one-third of North Korea's national budget is solely for the care and stabling of race horses! Ridiculous!
If they actually talked about reuniting, do you think he would let South Korea be the leader? If you thought, for even a second, that he would consider giving up his position, then you're as nutty as he is!
Everyone knows a war would be costly. Many innocents would die. He would make sure that happens. But will it be more costly now, or later? Neither is acceptable, now or later, but is it inevitable?

It's a cool blue sky above!
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