Join Internations!
If you are an expat, or a foreigner living overseas, you may want to consider joning this site. It is free to join, and has around 3 million members at present. All topics are discussed including politics, marriage, cultures, jobs, and many more. You can join in any thread to find out all kinds of information, as well as opening your own thread to start a new conversation. This site is open to people all over the world, and, as an example, on my thread, I am talking with others from Spain, Germany, Switzerland, Iran, Greece, Italy, the U.S., and many more, Many of their outlooks and opinions are very different from my own, and though we may agree or disagree on any given subject, it is still open to your own opinions.If you are planning to work or move overseas, it is an ideal area to find out what you need to know before going there. It will also help to to make contacts and maybe friends before you even arrive. As per the rules of the site, it is almost strictly in English. I say almost strictly, because you still get many who will throw in a line or two in their own language, but they usually always explain it. I have found it helpful, knowledgeable, interesting, and sometimes frustrating. The frustration part comes from some of the entirely different viewpoints that some have. But that is also the interesting part.
Just Google or search for Internations, and the website will appear. Then fill in basic information, like what country you are from, or are living in. You do not need to add anything you do not wish to. You can provide a photo (as many do) so they can see what you look like, and vice versa, but it is not a requirement. It only takes a very few minutes to become a member and start talking. Some of them can explain all about their country, their laws, their sites, and their likes and dsilikes. Whether you go ther or not, you can quickly become much more knowledgeable about places just by talking with them. It's like taking a trip, and never leaving your chair. Many people have already used these contacts to help them set up vacations, places to stay, and places to see. What to avoid, and what not to eat. Many people have been met at the airport by the Internations members for no other reason than to just help them out, or act as a tour guide.
I, personally, drop by on the site and talk a bit every day with some of my "friends". There are numerous threads to join, so just pick one where the topic is of interest to you. Any responses to any of the threads you join will automaatically come in to your email. You will not get ALL the messages from every site; only the ones that you have joined.
So, if you have a bit of time on your hands, or just want to know more about the world in better detail, then join up. There's no charge, as I said, as it is a site developed to help all expats or foreigners in general. If you join, maybe I will talking to you myself!
(Update: I am no longer on Internations. I was banned. I was on there over two years, and well known. I was on a tparticular hread, and being verbally attacked by FOUR persons, using profane language, hurling insults, using the "F" word continually, and basic harrassment. None of which bothers me very much, as I have heard about all of it many times. BUT, when I finally lost a bit of my temper (and I can have a bad one!) I fired back! NO "F" word, no direct personal insults, etc...Then I found out that I was being banned for violating their rules. A friend of mine, who was on the same thread, told me that NONE of them were banned, or even warned! That, of course, it total b.s., so I did not care I was banned. My friend left by his own choice as well, and we found out that over 25 others left for good as well, by choice, when they heard about it. A few of them I still talk with by personal email to this day. On a final note, I must say that all four of these individuals were very pro-China, and very nasty about it! One even asked me for a personal confrontation, in which he would proceed to "kick my ass". I found that highly entertaining, as I'm not a very small guy, at 6'3", 240lbs, and fully combat trained!
Anyway, my apologies if I misled anyone, and thus I issue this warning. Tks.