Gun Misuse
What just happened in Las Vegas is just flat tragic.It was obviously uncalled for. Could it have been prevented? Maybe. I am not am expert on such things. But I do know guns. Guns do not care where the bullet goes. Guns have zero emotions. The people make them dangerous. Especially untrained, emotional people.The part I never understand is why people who have problems, big or small, or can't make it in the world, or are just plain crazy, think they have to take out as many innocent people as they can when they go? What is the connection with the killers and the mindset of shooting people they don't even know. Head doctors (shrinks), and others of that field, will tell you they know why it happens. I, personally, can figure out myself why most of them go ballistic. I don't really want to know exactly why. I want to know what to look for, so I can help prevent it from happening at all! You can't watch everybody all the time, and you can't pyscoanalyze everyone. What could be done to try and prevent some of these awful things.
Well, how about a computer system, nationwide, linked together, that stores basic data on everyone that buys a gun anywhere. Most states have their own system, but that is not much of a deterrent. If you buy an automatic weapon in Texas, how will the authorities in Connecticut know about it? Why should they know? Hell yes, they should know about it! Just because you bought the gun it Texas, doesn't mean you're going to stay there. Let's not get into the open carry thing. Some States allow it, and some don't. The real issue here is having a tracking system in place nationwide. There is one? It already exists? Where? What's it called? Well, it's not working very well, is it?
Let's make this a simple system that all trained law enforcement agencies can use. It's not about tracking people, it's about tracking guns. The guns will lead you to the people. I know there is a system for tracking guns now. I am talking about a totallly different type system. If you walk into any store in the U.S. and buy a gun, it should be immediately loaded into the system. Your name goes in, along with style, type, caliber, etc. of the gun purchased, and amount of ammunition. A quick form can be developed to just fill in the needed info. It can then be accessed by agencies right away. If the same person walks into another store and buys an automatic weapon, the clerk can enter his name (whcih he should verify by proper I.D.), and he can see that this guy just bought a gun, and what type, a few days ago in another store. Is this automatically a bad thing? Depends on the laws of the State, but not necessarily. Many people own numerous guns. But it can start to set up a picture, or a red flag if something looks out of place. An example of out of place would be if the guy buys a huge amount of ammunition for a gun.That would be a big red flag to me! Even if he does it spread out over a small period, it would still register on the computer. If a clerk or store becomes suspicious, they should forward the info to their local police. If it turns out to be no big deal, that's great. But the consequences of not checking it out would be much worse. Some people would categorize this as "gun control". You're damn right it is!
I am not really for "gun control" in the real sense. I think many people (like me) grew up with guns as part of their life. They know about them, how to handle them, how to shoot them properly, and how to clean them correctly. But, most importantly, them grew up being taught the "basics" of handling a gun, and the dangers involved. Keep the barrel pointed down, keep it unloaded when travelling, never point the gun at anyone, etc. Unfortunately, most people who buy guns now don't know the basics, don't care, and are not trained. They want them now to show off, for personal protection, or for hurting someone. If someone stockpiles an armanent of , weapons, like this guy in Vegas did, how did no one know about it? How is that possible? It wouldn't be if there were a good system in place.