My Claim - What a Mess!
Just to start summing it up, and let you have some idea of what you will be facing if you file; it's a mess! As of yesterday, the so-called "procedure" is to get an official response from the places where they have requested medical records.. Once that is obtained (who knows when), then the decision again falls into the hands of the Manila VA office (who have already denied me three times!). I have been told that if the Manila office approves all or part of my injuries for compensation, then any part approved ends right there, and I will draw disability. Any or all parts that are NOT approved will then be sent back to the BVA, where it will again be put on the docket FOR ANOTHER THREE AND A HALF YEARS! Sounds amazingly crazy, doesn't it?For years I have worked with injuries that give me pain every day. I am a worker, and not lazy at all, and not unwilling to work. But if you are trying to do your job, but you're in constant pain, it really isn't very much fun. I had to stop work at a very good job in 2007, because I was in too much pain. I had to go back to work again in 2012 because I had no choice! Whatever money we had saved was gone. So, pain or no pain, I went back to work. I then had to stop again in 2016, because I could barely move, and my bosses were very concerned. Now I'm back here in my home in the P.I. The money is running out again, and still no decision from the VA. So, I'm already planning to go back to work again in Jan-Feb 2018. Do I want to? Do I have any choice?
At the rate that the VA takes care of veterans, I'm getting pretty sure that I'll be dead before they ever approve any benefits. It's a shame that a veteran has to be treated this way. I don't think I deserve it.
Am I looking for some easy handout? Hell, no. What's been easy about it? I wish I could work for another twenty years. But I can't do it in constant pain. I don't even know how I'm going to get through it this time! But I will, for my family.
I requested help from my state congressmen a few times already, and am sadly embarrassed to say that their offices never replied to me at all, ever! The VA Omsbudsman has been a big help. He cannot make decisions on claims, but he does have the authority to "push people" when needed. I requested three times that my claim be taken out of the Manila office's hands, but have been told that it is their responsibility as a Regioinal Office, and it won't be moved yet. But, if they give up the responsibility, as in forwarding my claim back to the VA, then the Omsbudsman can now take authority over it.
So, all in all, ten years later, and not a single thing has been decided, except the fact that my military records have been lost. The really confusing thing is that, when we checked, my full twenty years of administrative records had been lost too. When you retire, these two sets of records go to completely different places! How could they have both been lost? Maybe it was intentional (tho I'm not into conspiracy theories). If I didn't have a military I.D. and a DD214 Record of Service, you could never even tell I served for twenty years!
I have to wait and see what happens next. Wait, and wait, and wait. If they do approve me, they will owe me some serious back pay, as your benefits pay goes back to your date of filing. It might be an added incentive to say "denied" again. I will post any changes, good or bad, that happen, to those of you who may be interested. It sure isn't very reassuring for a veteran, is it?
(Update: June 2022: After waiting 15 YEARS and being denied TWICE by the Manila VA office, my plea finally hit the right ears, and went high enough to be picked up a VA Medical Judge (after I filed my THIRD Appeal for Review!) The Judge ordered a full physical exam and x-rays, along with being interviewed by a Doctor, who's job it was to determine if it were medically possible my injuries occurred when/where I said they did (Pls remember that my FULL medical records for my 20 years of duty were all lost!).. She examined me, took the x-rays, and wrote her report, which I was not allowed to see. Almost two months later, I got the Judge's decision for each of my SIX injuries in the mail. Every one of them was GRANTED! I am, as of 1 May 2022, listed as a 50% disaabled veteran, and will receive full monthly payments, based on the percentage. They also were ordered to back pay me. Although I didnt get the full 15 years, I got 8 years back pay in lump sum form! Happy Day!)