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Featuring: Life in the Philippines

Ukraine vs Russia Conflict

 This conflict is, like most of them, a bad thing! Most especially for the Ukrainian people, who did NOT ask Russia, and Putin, to attack them! It makes even LESS sense knowing that many of them are relatives of each other. Some even directly! 

I'm about to give my VERy BIASD opinion of this, and you are, as always, free to agree or disagree. Here we go!

Some say Putin is dying. Some say he has terminal cancer. On that, I have NO idea, and most don't. I  would say that whether he is, or isn't, is not a factor in this, but it is! IF, and only if, it is true, it can most certainly have a DIRECT effect on his decisions, on his state of mind, and on his temperament. If you were told you were dying, what type of mind frame would you then have? Woould you have a semi-peaceful one, where you want to leave a good impression, and help as many as you can before your time is up? Or, would you be just the opposite? The "I-don't-give-a-damn-any-more" attitude might come out. Maybe the damage and death you cause will mean nothing to you any more? Or, just maybe, you want to broaden your name, expand your territory, and thus be remembered as a powerful "ruler"?

Well, we can, right now, only assume, and you know the saying about that word "assume" (It can make an ass out of you and me!). Disregard this for a bit, and consider...WHY did Putin attack? Does he need the extra territory? Does he need more power? Is he actually afraid of NATO? Or, in his head, does he think he is actually setting Ukrainians free (I dont know how you do that while you're killing them!)

Is he "defedning" the people from the "Nazi's"? Which Nazi's is he referring to? Just my opinion, but Zelensky is part, or full, Jewish, so about as far from a Nazi as a person can get! How did his "3-day plan" (did you know they started the attack based on a 3-day plan?) already turn into a 4 MONTH plan, and still going? Did he really miscalculate that badly? Or was he very badly advised? Or a combine of both or all? 

Either way, the WORLD is chaning/has changed drastically because of it! Not all the changes are good, but most of them are, in my opinion. It's causing a food shortage (lack of delivery). That isn't good for anyone. It's contributing to inflation (don't get me started on Biden!) But, it is alos uniting many parts of the world like they have never been before! It is causing countries that did not want to be a "part" of NATO, or the EU, to completely reconsider their position, no longer feeling safe from an impromptu attack. Now we see Sweden and Finland joining, with ery likely Ukraine to be allowed to as well! In what way did this turn out "good" for Putin? It is exactly the OPPOSITE of what he wanted. I  feel badly for both the Ukrainians, number one, and then a bit for the Russian citizens, many of whom do not have a clue what is really happening. The many that DO know are against it. 

Should Ukraine give up part of it's land to Russia? My first reaction is NO. But, it is bigger than that, and if some sort of move in that direction saves thousands of lives, then it must be considered. The BIG fear is not IF Russia can be beaten. They have shown they are FAR weaker than suspected, far less equippid with modern stuff, and FAR less trained and dedicated. The U.S. could beat them VERY badly all by themselves, so just think what over 30 countries (NATO) combined forces would do to them? Would there be a "Russia" left? So, back to the real fear; nukes! Just how crazy is this guy, and how far will he go? We ALL hope to think that even this fool would NEVER go that far, and risk world destruction. But, that is only what we HOPE, NOT what we know! 

I feel that the world is under pressure from a dictator/KGB thug, who's only remaining hope is the threat of nukes. I  feel he has ONLY his ego, his name, in mind by doing all this, and wanted to be a "ruler", like in the old days of the USSR, and other similar empires. 

So, here we sit, wondering how long this will last, and how many more will die. All for ONE man! Also, while we're at it here, let me say this; as far as a "battle plan", I  haven't seen a worse one than Russia has. Russia just took Seiverondonetsk. Pat bad, of course, but also plart strategy from Ukraine, as they saw they were getting surrounded, and might lose many more troops, so they pulled out. Meanwhile, Russia has NOT re-enforced the Kherson region well, and right now Ukraine is making a push to re-take Kherson (which I "predicted" more than a month ago!). IF Russia keeps most of the Donbass, BUT Ukraine takes Kherson, and thus has a direct path to retake Crimea, what happens now? I  have heard so many ideas on this. Do they risk Crimea, and push to keep the Donbass? Do they back off the Donbass, if Ukraine agrees to leave Crimea alone? I think Putin wants it ALL, but he wont get it! He'll feel he's "won" something if he retains part, or all, of the Donbas area, but he may just feel like a real loser if he loses Crimea in the process. The "real loser" part concerns me, as it may give him the excuse he needs to keep the conflict going, on and on. 

Although there is little progress, day to day, I monitor it daily. As a military "semi-strategist", I look for small changes, in ANY area, that may give me a clue, as it does the pro's, what the next move may be. So, I guess we all have no choice but to sit back, watch the "show" (terrible analogy), and see what the outcome is. Whenever that will be!

I welomc your feedback! If you cannot reach me thru this site, as it is not monetized, nor does it allow many messages thru, you can reach me, personally, at Later folks!

It's a cool blue sky above!
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