Flooded Out Farmers
We have been hit in the last few weeks by two typhoons, and two low pressure areas (just a step below a typhoon). We did not take a direct hit (thank God), but we got the sides and all the rain following behind. It rained for four straight days, and I mean it RAINED! Hard! Everything was flooded here. Streets were flooded; businesses were flooded. Electricity was off and on. It almost came inside my house, and my foundation is a foot off the ground. What did this do to the rice farmers? If you read my prior articles, you know that a direct hit might have done in most of the farmers due to too much water and destructively high wind. As it is right now, the situation is bad enough. If you know anything about rice farming, and I know most of you don't, if you will allow me that, then you know that rice farming is done by flooding the fields during certain growth periods. It does not mean that the fields should be flooded all the time. Many may think that, hey, they need water to grow the rice. Very true. But continuous rain and fully flooded fields do not work! Many of the farmers have already lost their crops for this harvest. Flooding a field during growth is a monitored thing. Water is pumped in when needed, and then released when not. As it stands now, many farmers will have no income for the next three to four months. It would be the equivalent of you being laid off your job for that period of time. How do you make ends meet? That is their dilemma now. They need help more than ever. They do not have workers compensation, or anything like it here.Now that the typhoons have passed, cleanup has to be done. They must clear out their no-good rice plants, re-plow the field, and get it ready for the next planting. They have a lot of work to do. Very few of them have a tractor, or something that we Amercians would take for granted. Many of them use carabou (water buffalo) to plow the fields. This, as you would assume, takes a while. The problem is that they will not be getting paid to do this, unless they work for someone else. Now they have two full time jobs; how to get money to feed their families, while, at the same time, get the fields ready. If you do not think that these people work hard, try coming over here and doing it beside them for just a week or two. You will be glad to get back to your job. Many have already "borrowed" funds from me to try and clear out the mess, and get ready for the next cycle. But my funds are gone. I cannot help anyone else. I want to very badly, but I have nothing else available.
That is why I have asked for your help, and I really need it. Would you be kind enough to help out these struggling farmers?
The donation button on the main "My Personal Project" page is secure and goes through paypal. If you could just send a bit, it would help. Every bit makes a difference.
I don't like asking for any help from anyone normally, as it goes against my upbringing. But there are times, like this one, that one person cannot do it all. I'm just a plain old retired military guy who is trying to make a difference.
If you do not believe in this cause, then many will go hungry. Just think about it, as I know some of you may not be well off, but I'm sure most of you are better off than they are. If I could just get $1 or $5 from a lot of people, it will add up to a huge help to these families.
What are the chances that we will be hit soon by another typhoon? Very, very high, as the P.I. gets hit by an average of twenty typhoons per year. But what can they do? Just stop living and stop trying? Would you just quit if you had a family to feed? I don't think you would.
Please hit the donation button and send what you can. I would personally greatly appreciate it, as I have often bragged to the locals of the generosity of the American people, as well as people from many other countries. Some of them have never seen a generous act in their lives, and really do not believe that there are many out there who care if they live or die. I would like to prove them wrong, and give them hope. Please help me out on this, and I thank you.