Military Stuff
Continuing, I then went to Desert Storm in '91, as a frontline satcom tech and spotter. Spent my first 30 days in a place called King Khalid military city, which was a clam bunker in the middle of nowhere, with camo everywhere, and the Iraqis about 2 miles away. And there was only 8 of us, and about 1400 of them in that area at that time. That was 15 days before the real war started. It's not a very comfortable feeling looking at tanks, and RPG's, and artillery that close to you, and all you have is an M-16. Not good! Our only saving grace was that I could call in "Wart Hogs" for support in less than five minutes. Then it started for real, and they got us out of there! I did the rest of my time setting up tactical satcom in different spots for the commander or whoever, when they wanted to talk.Went back in '94 to monitor the "No-fly Zone". Did this for three months, then went to Khobar Towers in Dharan, Saudi Arabia. Went back again in '97 as part of Desert Strike. Then went straight to Diego Garcia to fix aircraft satcom and other comm systems for the B-52's. Had alot of fun there. There was only me and a ground radio guy from my crew that were Air Force on the whole island, for two weeks, until the flight crews arrived. This is usally only a Navy base. Then we had alot of drunken fish frys and softball games. It sounds like we drank too much, and on some occasions we did, but when you do the jobs we do, you have to unwind from the stress. We had to play on the Navy team, but I was the pitcher, so of course, we won. That's how I remember it anyway!
Next for me was Kadena AB, Okinawa. I spent 6 years there, and I really enjoyed that place. Made alot of friends, both military and Japanese, and got do alot of stuff. I went deep sea fishing alot catching mahi-mahi, tuna, and mackerel. Played alot of golf. Drank too much sometimes. Fought with a few Marines (not really a good idea!). I did the typical young man stuff (for G.I.'s anyway).
Did about 30 TDY's all over the world (Korea, Thailand, Singapore, Kuwait, etc.) Then I came back to the U.S. for my last year in the service. Went to F.E. Warren AFB, WY to run a Satcom/ Milstar shop. That's about it for me. Of course I left out al whole lot. I just hit the major stuff. I know as you read this, you may have some things in common with my career, and you may have zero in common. We all had to be somewhere!