Politics and Religion II
Now to religion. Another touchy subject, and one debated and fought about for centuries. I am no Bible thumper. Even the term "having a religious argument" sounds weird to me. If you are really religious, should you be arguing about it? As most people know, the world has many religions, some of which are very alike to others. Many have the same or similar background. An example would be that there are many Baptists (I am one), but there are many different types and beliefs in the Baptist world. Some believe that dancing is a sin; others don't. Some will let women wear jeans to church; other won't. This is also true in many other beliefs. Many of them have the same basic system, but deviate from each other in many ways. I will also mention Muslims. There are many people who follow the Kuran. But do they all follow it exactly the same? They should. But they don't. They range from nice quiet, peaceful Muslims, who contribute to society, and are a part of the U.S., or their own country. Then to the extreme fanatical Muslims (the ones the world can't stand), who say "follow us or die", and then chop your head off if you don't agree with them or convert! But they both follow the same book. Quite an extreme difference of interpretation, if you ask me. The Bible followers can be the same way, but maybe not quite as extreme overall. Then there are the Catholics. A huge part of the world follows this religion. But, again, there are many Catholic branches. So you see that religion is wide spread, but also it is wide open. Thus, an argument or discussion is doomed from the beginning. Speaking for myself, a Southern Baptist, I think anyone, anywhere, who believes in God or Allah (same person), or another name meaning the same thing, is on the right track. It is personal. It is supposed to be personal. My church is inside me, and goes with me everywhere I go. My prayers are between me and God, not between me and you. But of course you can share! Next subject!